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Five Ways Workers Suffer Preventable Injuries On the Job

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) was created with the intention of preventing workers from getting injured while on the job. However, tens of thousands of people are injured in their workplace every year, due in no small part to people who violate OSHA regulations and other laws intended to protect worker safety. Here are five common reasons workers suffer preventable injuries on the job: Continue reading “Five Ways Workers Suffer Preventable Injuries On the Job”

Seven Common Ailments That Could Indicate a TBI

It can seem hysterical to worry about every little ache and pain you suffer, especially after you have been through a major accident. And yet, many symptoms of injuries from an accident may not become apparent until days, weeks, or even months afterwards. Indeed, when it comes to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), even relatively mundane problems can be signs of a much more serious medical issue. Here are seven signs you may have suffered a TBI due to an accident: Continue reading “Seven Common Ailments That Could Indicate a TBI”

When is a Property Owner Responsible for an Injury?

Property ownership is always a big deal, not merely because of the major investment it represents, but also because of the responsibilities it incurs. After all, if anyone gets injured on a property, the owner may be held legally responsible for that injury. But when exactly does a property owner become responsible for an injury, and when is it just someone else’s problem? Continue reading “When is a Property Owner Responsible for an Injury?”

5 Ways to Encourage Safe Driving to your Teen

Earning your driver’s license is perhaps one of the most exciting milestones you reach as a teenager. For teens, it provides a sense of freedom, pride, and appreciation for the new responsibility. For parents on the other hand, common emotions surrounding the milestone include anxiety and fear for their child’s safety. While you cannot control how other cars on the road with your teen may behave, you can do your best in encouraging your teen to engage in safe driving. Continue reading “5 Ways to Encourage Safe Driving to your Teen”

Five Hidden Costs of Motor Vehicle Accidents

A motor vehicle accident can result in substantial harm, both to your body and your bank account. Even a minor accident can mean thousands of dollars in medical bills and repair costs, not to mention legal expenses. But there are some potential costs that people do not take into account when dealing with motor vehicle accidents. Here are five of those potential hidden costs to be aware of: Continue reading “Five Hidden Costs of Motor Vehicle Accidents”

Seven Warning Signs of Negligence on a Construction Site

Construction site owners and contractors are supposed to take steps to make sure their employees are protected against foreseeable harm. Not everyone does what they are supposed to, though, and the result is that construction workers are much more likely to get hurt. Here are seven warning signs you can look for to know if your construction site is safe, or if someone in charge is being negligent: Continue reading “Seven Warning Signs of Negligence on a Construction Site”

Why a Slip-and-Fall Accident is No Joke

Slip-and-fall accidents are a staple of physical comedy, with professional actors and stuntmen slipping or tripping all over themselves with nothing more than an amusing bruise or scratch. Unfortunately, in the real world, a sudden slip-and-fall can result in a variety of dangerous injuries, especially for elderly people and those with certain health conditions. You should always take a slip-and-fall accident seriously, even if it seems like someone was not hurt by it. Continue reading “Why a Slip-and-Fall Accident is No Joke”

TBI: Why it is Known as the “Invisible Injury”

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a much more common form of injury than most people realize, and the effects of even a minor TBI can be profound. However, many of the effects of a TBI are not immediately apparent and can often be written off as mundane cognitive or memory issues, which has led TBIs to be dubbed “the invisible injury.” As a result, many people suffer TBIs every day who do not even realize how they have been affected by their injury. Continue reading “TBI: Why it is Known as the “Invisible Injury””

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