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Who is Responsible if You Fall on a Slippery Sidewalk in NYC?

Winter weather is always dangerous for people walking down the street, and this is especially true for those on the busy streets of New York City. If you do slip and fall on the sidewalk and get injured, however, you may wonder who you can hold to account. So that leaves the question of who exactly is responsible if you fall on a slippery sidewalk in New York City? Continue reading “Who is Responsible if You Fall on a Slippery Sidewalk in NYC?”

When is a Landlord Responsible For a Crime Against Their Tenants?

Most people understand that landlords have a responsibility to keep their premises safe from foreseeable hazards. However, not everyone knows that landlords may, under certain circumstances, be held accountable for crimes committed against tenants on their premises. But when exactly can a landlord be held responsible for someone else’s crime, and what does that mean for tenants who are the victims of crimes?

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How Does Poorly Maintained Equipment Lead to Construction Accidents?

While there are countless reasons that construction accidents happen, one of the more common contributors to accidents is a lack of proper maintenance. Poorly maintained equipment can make accidents of all types more likely, from falls to electrocution to cave-ins. But what does it mean for equipment to be poorly maintained, and how does that lead to construction accidents?

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How Do Vehicular Accidents Happen on Construction Sites?

Motor vehicle accidents are a constant source of potential harm, with tens of thousands of people injured across New York State every year due to auto accidents. While the vast majority of these happen on open roads or highways, a surprising number occur in workplaces, particularly on construction sites. But what is it about construction sites that leads to so many vehicular accidents?

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Five Tricks to Avoiding an Auto Accident This Holiday Season

There is no time of year where more people drive than during the holiday season. Unfortunately, the sheer number of people on the road, combined with environmental conditions, means that it is also one of the most dangerous times to be driving. If you want to avoid an auto accident, make sure to follow these basic tricks, which can help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road:

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Seven Ways to Avoid Slip and Fall Accidents on Your Property

If you are a property owner, either because you own a business or because you are a homeowner, you may be concerned about what happens if someone slips and falls on your property. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of accidents and protect yourself from potential legal liability. Here are seven ways to protect yourself against the risk of slip and fall accidents on your property:

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Five Signs of Injuries to Watch For After an Auto Accident

It is surprisingly common for people to be injured in an auto accident and not realize it until days, weeks, or even months afterwards. This is due to a number of factors, including the types of injuries that people are likely to suffer from an auto accident, as well as the ways that many injuries can mimic the symptoms of more mundane conditions. That is why you should be on the lookout for these symptoms after you get into an auto accident, which can indicate a potentially severe injury:

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Watching Out for Dangerous Chemicals in the Workplace

There are a number of jobs that involve working with chemicals that are potentially dangerous to anyone that is accidentally exposed to them. While there are supposed to be safety measures in place that protect against exposure to dangerous chemicals, there are nevertheless thousands of people who are injured and sickened on the job every year by these chemicals. But c Continue reading “Watching Out for Dangerous Chemicals in the Workplace”

Five Winter Hazards That Can Lead to Accidents on Your Property

With the holidays fast approaching, people are increasingly preparing for the festivities of the season. However, with the holidays comes winter, and with the winter comes plenty of problems that can lead to dangerous accidents. If someone is injured on your property due to one of these hazards, you could be stuck with the bill. Here are five of the most common winter hazards you should be on the lookout for if you want to avoid potential accidents on your property:

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What Happens if Children Get Hurt While Playing on My Property?

If there is one thing that can be counted on, it is that children will hurt themselves while playing around. When this involves a few scrapes and bruises, it’s generally no big deal, but sometimes children can get much more seriously injured while playing. What happens if children get hurt while they are playing on your property, and what can you do about it?

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