Because You Deserve More

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Queens Pedestrian Accident

queens pedestrian accident lawyers

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in Queens, N.Y.

When a pedestrian is hit by a motor vehicle, the injuries and damages can be catastrophic. Medical treatment is prohibitively expensive for most people. And if a pedestrian suffers multiple injuries, medical expenses grow exponentially. In cases of disabling injury, which may not be apparent right away, the cost of a pedestrian accident is never-ending.

If you or a loved one has been hit by a negligent driver, you need to speak with our skilled Queens pedestrian accident lawyers as soon as possible. For more than 20 years, our dedicated legal team has helped many injured pedestrians and surviving family members obtain the maximum compensation they need to recover financially from tragic accidents.

Don’t waste time fighting insensitive insurers who are only looking out for their own bottom line. Let our tough negotiators and aggressive trial attorneys take on that burden for you. Contact us now to schedule a free consultation. We will not charge anything to get started on your case, and you won’t pay any legal fees unless and until we recover compensation for you.

How Our Queens Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Will Fight for You

At Zlotolow & Associates, our knowledgeable Queens pedestrian accident attorneys will manage your case from start to finish, including taking care of all paperwork and communication with insurers. When you decide to entrust your personal injury claim to our skilled team, we will:

  • Gather all the evidence related to your pedestrian accident. We will want to launch an investigation as soon as possible so we may gather evidence before it is destroyed or otherwise lost. This includes evidence from the crash scene, surveillance camera footage, photos of damage to the vehicle, law enforcement accident reports, witness statements, and driver cellphone records.
  • Identify all potentially liable (legally responsible) parties in your accident and the insurance coverage they hold that is applicable to your losses.
  • Review your medical records, including current costs and your prognosis for recovery or future medical needs. We will have medical professionals review your records to provide independent opinions of your prognosis. In cases of disability, we can obtain life care plans, which will include detailed projections of future and ongoing needs and their costs.
  • Calculate your losses related to missed wages and reduced earning capacity in the future.
  • Work with you to document your pain and suffering. We will ask you to keep a journal of how you are feeling and the ways in which your life has changed.
  • Aggressively negotiate with insurers for full payment to you. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we will be prepared to proceed to court and present a solid case there.

As we negotiate with insurers, we will bring all settlement offers to you. We will never advise you to accept a settlement that is for less than what your claim is truly worth, but the decision will always be yours. Accepting a settlement offer ends the case and results in almost immediate payment. You should know that even after a lawsuit has been filed, a settlement offer may be made and accepted any time before the jury returns a verdict.

Compensation in a Pedestrian Accident Claim

While a driver’s auto liability insurance should pay for injuries and other losses in a pedestrian accident, insurers will try to avoid paying costly claims if there is any cause to dispute them. The insurance claims adjustor who contacts you after an accident knows what he or she is authorized to pay without hearing the details of your case. First and foremost, the insurance company will work to protect its own bottom line.

That’s why you need our experienced Queens pedestrian accident lawyers on your side. Our dedicated legal team will demand payment for:

  • Medical expenses, both now and in the future
  • Lost income, including unrealized future earnings
  • Personal property damage
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Funeral and burial expenses in cases of fatal pedestrian accidents
  • Punitive damages when evidence shows the at-fault party acted with egregious behavior

Our objective is to ensure that you face no lasting debt from a pedestrian accident caused by a negligent driver. We will document what has happened to you and aggressively seek every bit of compensation available. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your claim.

Common Types of Pedestrian Accident Injuries

It is easy to understand how being hit by a car or truck is likely to cause serious injury. It is not uncommon for pedestrians to be killed instantly by motor vehicles, to die later from their injuries, or to be permanently disabled.

Injuries we commonly see in pedestrian accidents include:

  • Head and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which can cause lasting physical damage and cognitive and psychological deficits, and which may be accompanied by neck (cervical) injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries, which cause paralysis (paraplegia, tetraplegia)
  • Back injuries (crushed vertebrae and disks and tears in muscles, ligaments, and tendons), which can cause chronic, disabling pain
  • Internal organ injuries, which may be fatal if not quickly treated in surgery
  • Broken bones, including complex and compound fractures of limbs, ribs, and the pelvis, which may never fully heal, particularly in older pedestrians
  • Knee injuries, including fractured and crushed knee-caps and torn ligaments, which can lead to diminished mobility

The cost of treatment for pedestrian accident injuries can leave a family in financial ruin. And you should not be forced to pay for someone else’s mistake. Talk to our pedestrian accident attorneys in Queens today to learn about your legal options for pursuing the compensation you need to recover.

Contact Our Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in Queens Now

If a car, truck, motorcycle, or any motor vehicle has hit you or a loved one, you may be entitled to compensation under New York personal injury law. Contact our dedicated legal team today to discuss your pedestrian accident claim and how we can help.

At Zlotolow & Associates, we pursue pedestrian accident cases on a contingency-fee basis. That means we will not charge a fee for our legal services unless and until we recover compensation for you. Call or complete our online form now to get started on your claim — with no cost and no risk to you.

In addition to helping clients with their pedestrian accident cases in Queens, we also service The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York City, Staten Island, Nassau, and Suffolk.

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