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Five Steps to Take If You Get Into a Car Accident

If you get into a car accident, you might be confused about what you should do next. Between the legal and financial demands, along with the harm you may have suffered in the accident itself, you may feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your interests in the event of a car accident:

  • Collect evidence and exchange contact information
    • If you are able to, you should immediately begin collecting evidence and exchanging contact information with other people involved in the accident. This means taking cell phone pictures, speaking to witnesses, and finding anything else that might be helpful in your case. This will facilitate the process of getting you relief later on, and will also make it easier to locate witnesses.
  • Contact the police
    • Getting the police involved in your car accident may seem scary, but it can be important for establishing the facts in your case. Police will examine the area and produce a report that will be available to you later on. Police reports are often seen as reliable evidence of what occurred at the accident, which can help bolster your case.
  • File a report with your insurer
    • After all of that, you can file a report with your insurance company to make a claim for your vehicle. While getting insurance companies involved is a pain, it is an important step in recovering for the harm you suffered in the car accident. In addition, if you try to seek compensation without filing a report with your insurer, that may negatively impact your ability to get any compensation for your injuries.
  • Seek medical attention
    • Even if you do not feel any significant pain after a car accident, you should still get examined by a doctor immediately. Many injuries that you can suffer in a car accident can remain hidden for days or weeks afterwards, with symptoms only appearing long after the accident. The more time you take before you get a medical examination, the harder it will be to tie your injuries to the accident itself, so you should do this as soon as possible.
  • Hire a lawyer
    • Finally, you should contact a lawyer with knowledge of personal injury law. Car accidents are very serious matters, and they should be handled by people with the right knowledge and experience. A lawyer can negotiate on your behalf with the insurance company to get you the best possible outcome for your case, and also stop insurers from pressuring you into taking a deal that does not serve your best interests.

If you have been involved in a car accident, it is important that you contact an attorney to understand your legal rights. The personal injury attorneys at Zlotolow & Associates can bring more than two decades of experience to your case. We have helped thousands of clients recover through settlements and courtroom verdicts. To schedule a consultation, you can call us toll-free at (886)800-0092, or you can visit our contact page.

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