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Seven Possible Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic brain injuries, also known as TBIs, can be some of the most devastating injuries someone can sustain in an accident. And yet, TBIs often go undiagnosed until months or years afterwards, with victims suffering in silence with their “invisible injury.” Here are seven symptoms to look for after an accident that may be a sign of a traumatic brain injury:

  • Persistent or worsening headache
    • It seems fairly obvious that people will have a headache after suffering a head injury. However, in the case of a traumatic brain injury, a headache may not go away with time or over the counter medicine. In many cases, these headaches can last for weeks or months, sometimes even years. They may also intensify over time, becoming more and more painful without any apparent reason.
  • Dizziness and nausea
    • Another common sign of a traumatic brain injury is dizziness and nausea. There are a number of possible reasons for these symptoms, including potential damage to areas of the brain that deal with balance and motor function. As a result, many TBI victims will become dizzy or nauseous, often resulting in vomiting as a result.
  • Memory loss
    • Amnesia is one of the most well-known symptoms of a traumatic brain injury, but that does not change how worrying it is. Many victims of TBIs find themselves suffering from memory loss, potentially forgetting long stretches of time before their accident. Others will find themselves unable to form new memories, incapable of holding onto any new information for more than a few moments.
  • Mood swings
    • Another common symptom of a traumatic brain injury is mood swings, as well as other disruptions to a person’s mood. This can be hard to diagnose initially, as many people who suffer serious accidents are naturally dealing with difficult emotions, even without brain damage to exacerbate the issue. However, a neurological examination can show that a person’s emotional issues are caused by a TBI.
  • Sleep disruption
    • Many people suffer a significant change to their sleep cycle after they suffer a traumatic brain injury. Some have extreme difficulty waking up, and may find themselves sleeping for hours longer than they used to. Others may find they cannot get to sleep, no matter how tired they feel. In either case, these could be signs of a TBI.
  • Changes in appetite
    • A traumatic brain injury may also significantly affect a person’s appetite. Some people will become voracious eaters, sometimes being unable to feel full. Others will find they have no appetite at all. Both symptoms can be a sign of both psychological distress, as well as a potential TBI.
  • Difficulty speaking
    • Finally, some people who suffer from a TBI  often have difficulty with speech. This can manifest as slurred or labored speech, with increased difficulty pronouncing certain words. In other cases, these language issues can be deeper, affecting a person’s ability to form words in their own minds. Such people often require extensive speech therapy to help them relearn how to speak like they once did.

If you or a loved one have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you should seek out the personal injury lawyers at Zlotolow & Associates. Our seasoned New York personal injury attorneys bring more than two decades of trial experience to your case. We serve all five boroughs of New York City, as well as Nassau and Suffolk County. Our aggressive personal injury attorneys always demand maximum compensation. We have helped thousands of clients recover through settlements and courtroom verdicts. To schedule a consultation, you can call us at 866-800-0092, or you can visit our contact page.

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